Email alarm notification delivery

Process Alert delivers email alarm notifications to SCADA application operators. Shown below is a typical example of alarm notification sent by Process Alert:

Sample email alarm notification

In the example shown above, the subject line is “Active/Unacked: <site name> MCC Phase Failure” – which means it’s an active and unacknowledged alarm for <site name> site, the alarm is related to MCC Phase Failure. Supported email delivery methods include encrypted or unencrypted SMTP and Exchange SMTP with OAuth2.
The application can also deliver notifications that are not alarms and therefore don’t need to be acknowledged. Examples of such notifications are:

  • beginning of a process phase (example: “Backwash Finished, “Cycle Finished” etc.)
  • scheduled or event-based value reports (example: intertie flow meter reading at the end of the billing cycle)